Introducing: The only course for business owners who want to grow through acquisition safely

Introducing: the only course for safe growth through acquisition

How to grow your EBITDA at least 200% faster using acquisitions... without Risking Everything

Join the first course of its kind, designed to Help You Grow Through Buying

Other Businesses Using Value Investing Principles.

Buy your first business within 18 months of finishing the course or get your money back.

33 Lessons
Learn To Navigate The Acquisition Process
Learn At Your Own Pace
While You Search For The Right Company


Maybe you’ve reached a plateau in revenue and you’re looking for a way to re-ignite growth…

Or maybe you’re just tired of doing everything yourself and need a better, larger team to finally build the self-managing company you’ve dreamed of. 

But how to get there?

The actual problem – an entrepreneurial spirit & skill-set without proven product-market fit are not going to lead to success.

This keeps getting proven time and again by 80% of startups failing for that very reason. Right about now you might be wondering what the alternative is…

As an acquisition entrepreneur having taught and guided numerous others, my solution has been fairly direct – bypass the search for product-market fit by purchasing a business you already understand and stood the test of time.

You might be questioning my approach:
Isn’t buying a business a far riskier financial decision?
  • How would I finance such a venture?
  • Where do I even begin to start pursuing this?
I hear you. And no doubt, most aspiring acquisition entrepreneurs are held back by these same questions. But here’s the truth:

The World Has Changed And NOW Is The Perfect Time To Buy & Grow A Business

  • During today’s financially trying times, acquisition entrepreneurship represents a cashflow-positive investment alternative to the stock market.
  • A record number of older generations of entrepreneurs are looking to retire and sell their businesses to very few young people who are trained to buy and run them.
  • Currently the SBA loan program offers US government subsidized loans that make it far easier for the average person to get approved for an acquisition loan.
  • Using your skills built in industry or academia to grow or scale an existing business is still an option most entrepreneurs don’t take into consideration.
  • Finding an experienced guide to show you how to both buy and grow your business is rare.

There has never been a better time to become an acquisition entrepreneur.

In Spite Of This Reality... Most Entrepreneurs Will Fail!

They will usually fail at one of the following:

As you go through the Deal Camp Beginner’s Course, You Learn All That You Need To Close Your First Or Next Deal Within 18 Months
This may leave you with a skeptical taste in your mouth. Don’t you need years of learning to get this kind of stuff right? Actually...

You Don’t Need An MBA or A Finance Degree to Become a Successful Acquisition Entrepreneur

I know you might feel overwhelmed by the idea of purchasing and growing a business – especially if this is a relatively new concept for you.

The truth is – this has been done since businesses as we know them existed. People learned through mentorship and own experience… and that’s how I learned as well.

As a music composition graduate from Ouachita Baptist, who – within 3 years – jumped from door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman to building a successful brokerage business at an investment bank, my path has been anything but traditional.

And might I add – many people who find success in this field share a similar story. My teachings are the living embodiment of my years of experience in the field.

In all these years of practicing and refining my methods, I have identified 6 challenges that can make or break a business acquisition.
Once these are mastered, there is nothing stopping you from becoming a prosperous powerhouse in acquisition entrepreneurship.

Top 6 Challenges of
An Acquisition Entrepreneur


The Deal Camp -
Buy Your First Business Course

The Course That Will Help Bring You Miles Closer To Your Wealth & Prosperity Goals

Whether you use this knowledge to buy & grow your first business, to expand your current business or to build an empire – this course will bring you one step closer to the outcome you crave – living a prosperous life on your own terms.

With 33 video lessons across 5 modules, I promise you this course will:

A Few Things You’ll Be Able to Achieve After Finishing The Course

Create A 60 Seconds Commercial That Gets Sellers Excited

Get under a seller’s skin & communicate in the persuasive way that will place you ahead of other buyers.

Know Your Key Success Factors, Weaknesses, Deficits And Opportunities

Mitigate the weaknesses and deficits and learn how to find a good fit for your success factors.

Write A Successful Letter Of Intent And Know When To Use It

Use our tried and tested LOI template, run it by your attorney and save several thousand $$ in legal fees. Also speaking of attorneys…

Know The Step-By-Step Process To Handling Attorneys (Yours+Seller’s)

Learn what to look out for to keep your costs to the minimum & get the best results.

What Past Customers Say...

already on my way to a multi-million dollar acquisition

“Using the materials and framework from Deal Camp helped me talk to brokers, banks, sellers and find business partners to work with. Deal Camp gets you from thinking about deals to actually going out and implementing what you’ve learned by closing those deals. Within 4 months of going through Deal Camp, I’m already on my way to a multi-million dollar acquisition with millions of revenue to benefit over the next coming years. That’s a big ROI for me and now, my confidence level is through the roof!.”

Patrick Thornton, Entrepreneur

my confidence grew and so did my ability to close deals

“The Conversations With Matt And Knowing He Was Always In My Corner Were A Huge Confidence Booster. What Also Stood Out For Me Was How Interested He Was In My Success And That He Truly Cared. Right Now, I Feel More Certain That I Can Handle Searching For, Finding And Closing Deals. I Have No Doubt The Outcomes Will Be In 7 Figures For Me And My Family!”

Adam Boyd, Sales Trainer

grateful for the thought-provoking materials and community

“My husband and I already owned several storage facilities, but wanted to find a way to expand beyond what we could finance on our own. With Deal Camp, I learned how to seal the deals we wanted, get the necessary paperwork and avoid bad deals in the long term. I’m quite grateful for the thought-provoking materials and community of like-minded people who were super helpful on my journey. Matt was also helpful in helping me understand what numbers are important to investors and how to get them. Now, all I have to do is go after the deals I want and make them happen!”

Alese Stroud, Entrepreneur

already on my way to a multi-million dollar acquisition

“Using the materials and framework from Deal Camp helped me talk to brokers, banks, sellers and find business partners to work with. Deal Camp gets you from thinking about deals to actually going out and implementing what you’ve learned by closing those deals. Within 4 months of going through Deal Camp, I’m already on my way to a multi-million dollar acquisition with millions of revenue to benefit over the next coming years. That’s a big ROI for me and now, my confidence level is through the roof!.”

Patrick Thornton, Entrepreneur

my confidence grew and so did my ability to close deals

“The conversations with Matt and knowing he was always in my corner were a huge confidence booster. What also stood out for me was how interested he was in my success and that he truly cared. Right now, I feel more certain that I can handle searching for, finding and closing deals. I have no doubt the outcomes will be in 7 figures for me and my family!”

Adam Boyd, Sales Trainer

grateful for the thought-provoking materials and community

“My husband and I already owned several storage facilities, but wanted to find a way to expand beyond what we could finance on our own. With Deal Camp, I learned how to seal the deals we wanted, get the necessary paperwork and avoid bad deals in the long term. I’m quite grateful for the thought-provoking materials and community of like-minded people who were super helpful on my journey. Matt was also helpful in helping me understand what numbers are important to investors and how to get them. Now, all I have to do is go after the deals I want and make them happen!”

Alese Stroud, Entrepreneur

Meet Your Trainer

Matthew Duckworth

Matt has acted as CFO and Advisor to some of the southeast US’s top-performing businesses, including the region’s second-largest fitness chain, the region’s fastest-growing weight-loss concepts, one of the region’s largest funeral home chains, and one of the region’s fastest-growing equipment finance companies.

Who Is This Course For?

While creating this course, we have kept in mind anyone interested in expanding their wealth and finding success through acquisition entrepreneurship – regardless of experience or their starting knowledge base.
That being said, we think this course might be a fitting starting point for you if you fit one of the below categories:

Stuck Solopreneur...

…sick of selling time for money, be it as a service, consulting or coaching.

In A Corporate Rut...

…and wishing to shift from being on someone else’s payroll to being your own boss.

Successful SMB Owner...

…who wants to grow their business into a bigger phenomenon & reach new financial heights.

MBA/MFA/Law Student...

…wanting to jump directly into the game and reach success through the most direct path.

Here’s What You Get

33 Video Lessons

Learn at your own pace using 33 easy-to-understand videos and our 22-page study guide covering everything you need to know to get started confidently buying and growing world-class businesses, even if you’re a complete beginner.
Value: $9,995

Legal Document Templates

Get your money’s worth with our tried & tested Purchase Agreement Template, Letter of Intent Example, and Due Diligence Checklist (the same we used to close our own deals!). Having your attorney advise you on the basis of existing templates will save you 5-figures in legal fees*
Value: $27,950 - based on client experience

Your Perfect DealFit System

Using our simple 6-step system, easily identify the perfect industry and management structure to allow you to dramatically reduce risk and run your newly acquired business without all the headaches.
Value: $495

Enroll Now, And Get This Additional Bonus Training!

How To Sell Your Business For Maximum Value

You’ve closed those deals you’ve always wanted and built the ideal team. Now it’s time to rinse and repeat! Get a closer look at why roll-ups work and how much money you can make by selling your company.

Value - $995.00 included in your package

Total Product Value $39,435

Today’s Investment Is Only $1595

Why Join Today?

Stay Ahead of The Curve

As I’m seeing the potential for newfound wealth via acquisitions (and sharing it with you), so are others. Being among the first in any business endeavour accelerates the timeline of success and prosperity.

Get Quality Guidance

Aside from Matt’s many qualifications and vast amount of experience in the field, he is invested in helping you succeed. That’s why he offers a 18 month guarantee for this course (see more below).

Choose Action Over Contemplation

Let’s face it – you close this browser window, you close a window of opportunity. How many times do you go back & look up a link after you’ve given it some thought? The fact that you’ve read this far proves that you’ve pondered & weighed this decision already.
You will find this course sold for more than double this price on our website. Buy it now at a 51% discount.

Lifetime Access

Join once, have it for life and go through it at your own pace.

Money Back Guarantee

If you don’t buy a business within 18 months of finishing the course, you get your money back.

What Happens Once You Click


Secure Checkout Page

Click the Add to your order now button and You’ll arrive on a secure checkout Page.

Log Into Your Account

Complete your order and you will receive an email prompting you to set your password.

Enjoy Your Course

Click on the button in the email, land on and start watching your course.

Let’s Summarize

Here’s Everything You Get When You Join Deal Camp's - Buy Your First Business Course

The Strong Mental Foundation That Prepares You For Your 1st Acquisition

Here you’ll learn about the correct mindset with which to approach such a life changing endeavour, as well as where your focus should lay. An exercise helps you point your search in the right direction.

The Strategic Plan You Need To Make Your Deal Search Efficient & Fruitful

Here you’ll learn how to tackle challenges such as finding brokers or off market deals, building a prospect list, qualifying leads and everything else that needs to happen in the planning phase.

The Most Effective Method to Manage Your Deal Funnel

Here you’ll learn all about gaining the trust of qualified leads through persuasive communication as well as how to quickly disqualify those who will be a poor fit.

A Quick and Painless Way To Assess Financial Statements At A Basic Level

Here you’ll learn about basic valuation, what key numbers you need to be on the lookout for. You will also have a Letter of Intent template which you can put on the table if the conversation with the seller goes well.

A Detailed Plan of How the Final Steps To Purchase Need To Go

Here you’ll get another template – a purchase agreement one – as well as guidance on how to approach lawyers – both yours and the seller’s. You also get an overview of the due diligence process and insight into how to get a good bank package.

Lifetime Access

Join once, have it for life and go through it at your own pace.

Money Back Guarantee

If you don’t buy a business within 18 months of finishing the course, you get your money back.

Hi, Matt here

With a more personal note...

I created this course because I hate to see someone make a business decision that they can’t undo. Some decisions are low-risk and easy to back out of. Buying a business is one of those decisions that - once you do it - there’s no turning back.

So, if you make a bad choice, you will pay for it for many years. It will impact your mental & physical health, your family, and your wallet in ways that can be devastating, so I want to see people avoid those mistakes… because I know what it feels like to fail that way.

You See, My First Investment Went Very Badly. I Was Going To Be A Semi-Absentee Owner, And I Trusted A Partner To Pick The Business When - In My Gut - I Knew We Were Making A Mistake. I Let Myself Get Influenced To Move Ahead Because I Trusted That Person… A Lot Of People Don’t Have Someone Who Has A Deep Understanding Of What A Good Business Looks Like To Say “Wait… This Is A Really Stupid Idea. You Guys Shouldn’t Do This.” That’s What I Needed At That Critical Time In My Life.

This is the guide I want to be for you.

Through decades of trial & error, I’ve learned that if you can learn to recognize great companies that fit your skills & aptitudes, it will transform your & your family’s life more than almost any other decision you will ever make.

A person who would have made $100,000 a year as an employee of a large corporation can easily make $500,000 a year or more in the right business and end up with an asset worth millions. There is simply nothing as powerful for generating wealth as owning a great business that you are uniquely qualified to run.

I’m even more excited to share this information because we find ourselves at a unique time to buy a business. A record no of entrepreneurs are retiring and trying to sell their thriving companies. At the same time, federal subsidy programs like the SBA 7(a) program make it easier than it’s ever been for you to get approved for an acquisition loan.

It seems like the perfect time for me to unlock the vault on this information and share it with people like you.

Looking forward to seeing your success. To see you create the generational wealth that so many of us dream of but too many have the right tools – and guide – to create.

To your prosperity,

DISCLAIMER: *Deal Camp, LLC is not an attorney and cannot issue legal advice. Please consult your attorney before using any course documents to ensure full compliance with the law. Deal Camp, LLC. offers no guarantee, express or implied, for the end results of using their product or acting on the information that they provide.

Schedule your FREE acquisition strategy session

On your free phone consultation, one of our experts will discuss the following:

There’ll be no commitment or obligation to use our services.

Annual EBITDA of the Businesses You're Targeting
Note that the strategy sessions are currently available only to companies that generate over $1M (or the equivalent in your local currency).
You can unsubscribe at any time.

Get the SMB Acquisitions Checklist and learn what successful acquisition entrepreneurs do differently

The Fair Value Acquisitions Checklist for SMBs is a goldmine of the best investment advice, it has been featured in USA Today, MarketWatch, TheStreetInsider, Wedbush Securities and is recommended by 85 investment industry leaders.

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Thanks for your interest in a role at Deal Camp. Leave your details below, and we’ll send you an invite to our application process.

We are committed to protecting your privacy, as described in our Privacy Notice.
You can unsubscribe at any time.

How we can help you hit your net worth goals

Who we are, and why we can help

  • We are the world’s leading trainer for Fair Value Acquisitions (FVA) – a term we coined in 2019
  • We deliver amazingly effective acquisition training, and then we stick our necks on the line by guaranteeing our students will close an acquisition within 18 months.
  • We get great results, which is why all students who complete our Basic Course are guaranteed to close an acquisition within 18 months. Our advisory level clients also pay nothing if we’ve not added exceptional value within our first six weeks. 
  • Our courses aren’t your usual videos and PowerPoints: they include real role playing exercises, fill-in-the-blank templates, personal connections to banks and investors, contracts from actual deals, and best practices from the most effective deal makers in the country.

What’s your goal today?

1. Hire us to grow your net worth

We’ve generated millions of dollars for our clients, using our unique FVA Methodology. To discover how we can help grow your business:

  • Visit our “Services” page to see the process by which we assess whether we’re a good fit for each other.

2. Learn how to buy great businesses

Download a free copy of our hit SMB Acquisitions Checklist, recommended by 85 industry leaders. You’ll also gain access to our acquisition entrepreneurship insights directly in your inbox.

3. Find the Course That's Right For You

Get the best training available on the web to help you master the art & science of buying businesses using other people’s money.

4. Sell your business

We help businesses across the US connect with our stable of acquisition leaders, so get in touch!